We hope this newsletter finds you, your family and colleagues all healthy and safe. With the first half of 2020 now complete, we wanted to send an update to keep you informed and to make you aware of some exciting developments.
The past 6 months have seen the COVID-19 virus place tremendous strains on healthcare systems across the globe. At Brainomix, we have been, and remain, committed to supporting the fight against the virus by finding ways to help hospitals and networks maintain robust stroke care with the support of our technology and our team’s expertise.
As an example, we have worked closely with the stroke team at Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading, UK, who incorporated our software and new mobile app into their practice, making it a fundamental part of their new COVID-19 stroke pathway – a pathway recognized by the Royal College of Physicians in its Future Healthcare Journal: “This case demonstrates how by adopting AI decision support and digital technology, and integrating them into the stroke pathway in response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, it enabled high-quality patient care and excellent patient outcomes.” Read more here
New Software & Mobile App
Building on our legacy of continual innovation, we launched the e-Stroke Suite 9.0. This newest software version incorporates a number of advancements, including the e-Stroke Cloud, a service designed to optimize workflow across a stroke network by enabling access to scan results from anywhere – including through our new e-Stroke Mobile app, which enables fast, remote access to key results, facilitating faster treatment decisions, and helping to reduce time delays. Learn more about how the e-Stroke Mobile app is helping stroke teams here
Stay tuned for more details about our soon-to-be-launched software version, which will include clot location and intracranial haemorrhage detection using non-contrast CT scans.
Like many companies and organizations, we’ve found creative ways to remain connected to our customers and to clinicians across the world. With a focus on delivering important, relevant and pragmatic information, we’ve been a running series of webinars, including one in May that focused on stroke care in the era of COVID-19, with a panel of physicians from the UK, Germany and Italy. You can listen to a recording of this webinar here
We have also launched a series of educational “Masterclasses” that provide key insights and practical suggestions around fundamental stroke topics, including non-contrast CT, ASPECT scoring, and CT Perfusion. You may be interested to join our next Masterclass, which will take place on 14th July, focused on CT Angiography and Collaterals. Register here
RESILIENT Trial & New Clinical Data
We were pleased to see the publication of the RESILIENT Trial in NEJM, the first trial to demonstrate the efficacy of mechanical thrombectomy in a developing country healthcare system, and one where e-ASPECTS was used to determine patient eligibility for thrombectomy and inclusion in the trial.
Our technology was also featured in a number of other recent publications, including the TRUST CT Trial, which yielded results indicating an exciting opportunity to expand thrombolysis to more stroke patients using AI-supported simple imaging. A study from Heidelberg validated the infarct volume feature of our e-ASPECTS software, demonstrating its predictive value for stroke patient outcome at 90 days. A publication from the stroke team in Pittsburgh, using e-ASPECTS with non-contrast CT, supported the use of ASPECTS to determine patient eligibility for thrombectomy in late-window patients.
Expanding our Technology to New Sites
Our team has remained busy throughout the first half of 2020, deploying our software to stroke networks across the world – particularly in the UK, where we have worked with the NHS to improve stroke care across networks, including Cheshire & Merseyside, Royal Berkshire and other hospitals across the Thames Valley, and at Newcastle and stroke centers around the Northeast. “The e-Stroke Suite will allow us to expedite the diagnosis, triage and transfer of stroke patients, enabling us to treat more patients and provide them with a better outcome,” Dr David Minks, Consultant Interventional Neuroradiologist, Newcastle. Read more here
We wish you a successful, safe and healthy second half of the year, and remain available and ready to support where needed. #TreatingStrokeTogether